Romney – 0 for 2 in the UK

26 Jul

Early on in his “proving I can deal with furriners” tour, the Mitt-man seems to be on his game.
That is,…. no game whatsoever.

I have mixed feelings about this one.
On one hand, I absolutely cringe knowing what the rest of the world thinks of the republican party, their representatives, and the reflection it makes on this country when you send a silver-spoon idiot like this out as a spokesman.
Making a fortune destroying companies obviously doesn’t translate into tact and diplomacy.

On the other hand,…I’m happy to see that he’s confirming his “out-of-touch” reputation.
He’s been there one morning and has managed to make 2 stupid statements worthy of attention.

Mitt Romney Walks Back London Olympics Criticism  

The Huffington Post


Mitt Romney, in his first trip abroad as the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, is trying to walk back comments he made questioning London’s Olympics preparation — comments that have drawn a sharp response from Prime Minister David Cameron.

The dustup began Wednesday, as Romney, who ran the 2002 Salt Lake City games, said there were “disconcerting” signs in the days before this year’s games.

“The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials — that obviously is not something which is encouraging,” he told NBC News.

“Do they come together and celebrate the Olympic moment? And that’s something which we only find out once the games actually begin,” he said.

Cameron soon rebuked Romney. “We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world. Of course, it’s easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere,” he said.


Mitt in London: Romney brags about meeting with chief of U.K.’s top-secret MI6 intelligence service

by Jed Lewison         The Kos

So Mitt Romney spends Tuesday pledging that as president he would never, ever leak intelligence information and then today:

Eyebrows going up about Romney’s claim to have met the Sir John Sawers, the chief of MI6. Asked about Syria by an American reporter whether he and Cameron spoke about Syria and he replies: “I appreciated the insights and perspectives of the leaders of the government here and the opposition here as well as the head of MI6”

As The Guardian explains:

For our American readership, this isn’t like bragging you just met David Petraeus. The British take on the national secret intelligence service comes with an extra-heavy dollop of the whole secret thing. The very existence of the MI6 was not officially acknowledged until 1994.Good luck, Romney handlers: this is only stop No. 1 on a three-stop international tour. What will he say in Jerusalem?

Maybe if MI6 also handled Romney’s tax returns then he could have kept his mouth shut?

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Posted by on July 26, 2012 in Economy, foreign affairs, Politics


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